Posts Tagged ‘Spring’

Change? Yes, You C*nt!

Posted: March 11, 2016 in Middle East
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Written by Max Gross

First published Monday, 28 February 2011 

Raving reporter Max Gross accepts an offer from the Xenox News executive committee to reluctantly write another drunken spray. The price? A case of imported Moskovskaya Osobaya vodka. The fishing was good but how could he refuse!

OK then, brothers and sisters, local and global events are hot, harried and horrible, as usual. But honestly Ed, I’d have written something sooner, only I’ve been gagging for weeks now, up-chucking, hurling, technicolour-yawning and chundering in the South Pacific sea.

Blatant, rampant hypocrisy and state-sponsored butchery does that to me. (more…)